Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council - Creativity in the Classroom.September 2016.
Part of a team of artists working as part of the Creativity in the Classroom programme run by DLR County Council working with primary schools in the DLR area facilitating children develop and explore thier creativity in the classroom setting.
South Dublin County Council - Childrens drop in Art workshops- Ballyroan Library
Facilitating childrens art workshops, covering all art processes and themes with varying age groups in particular Early Years, where I facilitate collaberative process led sessions focussing on multi sensory development and learning through creative play .
The ARK - Childrens Visual Art Workshops.
Early years Art workshops, designed specifically to engage and explore all art forms with children aged 2-4.
Rathfarnham Educate Together National School.Dublin 16
Outdoor Mural.
I with another local artist designed and facilitated an outdoor/ interactive mural that was completed over three months in Rathfarnham Educate Together NS. This unique project involved all two hundrend and twenty sudents of the school creating thier own images to form the final work, in what resulted in a magical and unique gallery of the childrens work.
"I would highly recommend Kim she is thoroughly professional in her approach yet very passionate about creating and working with children.The finished product is excellent and what she has helped the children achieve is not just a mural but a beatiful, interactive, creative space where children can continue to let their imagination run free" - Mary Carron, Principal, Rathfarnham Educate Together NS.
The National Centre for Arts and Health. National Childrens Hospital Tallaght
Childrens drop in Art workshops.
Facilitating young patients to engage in art workshops while attending the hospital.
Rathfarnham Educate Together National School. Dublin 16.
Childrens Art classes.
After school art classes catering for 5-7 year olds, where all art processes are explored in an engaging and fun manner.
Broadford Montessori, Dublin 16.
Early years Art sessions.
Designing and facilitating Early Years art sessions to run alongside the the Aisteor preschool curriculum, age group 2-5 year olds.
Rathfarnham Educate together National School, Dublin 16
In classroom Art projects.
Designing and facilitating various visual art projects in the classroom, projects varying from fabric and fibre mobiles to mixed media art pieces, one designed specifically as part of an overall project funded by the Arts council/The Ark and culminating in a final performance /exhibition in The Ark.
I have a Degree in Art as well as a Certificate in Visual Arts Practise (NCAD)
I am member of Create and Visial Artists Ireland. I have completed Child protection awareness training and am fully Garda vetted.